Retired maintenance man now teaching art in Pasco County


Retirement may not be for everyone — at least not until you’re really ready. That’s the lesson we learned from Ray Auclair, a Pasco County man who turned his lifelong hobby into a new career.

Auclair retired years ago after a long career in construction and maintenance work. But he said he grew restless and decided to take a job as the maintenance manager at Watermark at Trinity, an independent and assisted living facility.

“I just happened to see the add for maintenance man,” Auclair said. “Well I’ve done maintenance at plenty of places, so I said, ‘Well, it would get me out of the house for a few days.’”

Auclair was able to socialize and make plenty of friends before retiring again a few years later. But once again, Ray grew restless and decided to turn a his love of painting into yet another career.

Auclair now teaches art classes at Watermark and several other area assisted living facilities.  Not only is it a joy for him, but residents are also having fun.  Some said it is even having a positive impact on their health.

“I have neuropathy in my hands and I’ve found this is the best cure in the world for me to get the use of my hands back,” said resident Gail Noland.

For more on Auclair and his artwork, you can visit his website.