Pres. Trump, Second Lady Karen Pence bring MAGA rallies to Florida Monday



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HILLSBOROUGH CO., Fla (WFLA) – It’s a big day for the President as he returns to the campaign trail following his diagnosis of COVID-19. His first stop is Florida, a hotspot for the President’s campaign team.

The Second Lady is scheduled to speak Monday morning at a “Operation MAGA” event at a private outdoor event venue called Tabellas at Delaney Creek. The Tampa appearance from Karen Pence, and the President’s visit near Orlando are signs that Florida is considered a battle ground state and and a must win for both sides.

The Trump campaign hit Florida hard over the weekend starting with two events held by Vice-President Mike Pence Saturday. The first was a “Latinos for Trump” event in Orange County, then off to The Villages for a “Make America Great Again” rally.

Sunday, Donald Trump, Jr. stopped at the Tampa Convention Center focusing his message on fighting against socialism.

Before his scheduled rally in Sanford Monday night, the President declared he was healthy enough to return to the campaign trail and said he is immune from the coronavirus. All of this focus on Florida comes as recent polls show Trump behind Joe Biden at least 14 points nationally. In Florida, both the President and Joe Biden are deadlocked, according to an NBC News/Marist poll.

“We’re starting very, very big with our rallies, with our everything, because we cannot allow our country to become a socialist nation. We cannot let that happen,” said President Trump at a gathering of supporter on the South Lawn of the White House Saturday.

Lady Pence and her “Operation MAGA” event will be held at 11:30 am Monday for those who got tickets.