Curtis Reeves trial: Wife takes stand, describes being scared after shooting


PASCO COUNTY, Fla. — The second week of testimony in the Curtis Reeves movie theater shooting trial began with his wife taking the stand.

What You Need To Know

  • Vivian Reeves testied Monday during shooting trial of her husband, Curtis Reeves

  • She told jurors it wasn’t her husband who seemed angry that day – it was Chad Oulson

  • Expert on aging also took the stand Monday

  • BELOW: Courtroom updates from Spectrum Bay News 9’s Sarah Blazonis

Vivian Reeves was sitting next to her husband in the Wesley Chapel theater on the day in 2014 that he fatally shot 43-year-old Chad Oulson.

Curtis Reeves’ defense team says their client pulled the trigger that day in self-defense. Others who were in the theater testified that Reeves seemed angry or agitated as he left the movie theater to report Oulson for using his cell phone during previews.

Reeves, 79, is facing charges of second-degree murder and aggravated battery and could spend the rest of his life in jail if found guilty.

His wife on Monday told jurors it wasn’t her husband who seemed angry that day – it was Chad Oulson.

“I was – never been that scared before in all my life,” she said on the stand, describing the moments after her husband shot Oulson.

But when it comes to the shooting itself and moments just before, she says she didn’t actually see anything.

“I either closed my eyes or turned to the right,” she said.

Just before break, jurors heard about pixels. Expert says the more pixels, the clearer an image. In this case, the surveillance video from the theater has 76,800 pixels. Compare that to an iPhone, which has about 12 million pixels, or a high def TV, which has 2 million. @BN9

— Sarah Blazonis (@SarahBlazonis) February 21, 2022

Vivian Reeves said Oulson responded loudly and cursed at her husband after he asked Oulson to put his phone away.

The two men got into a second conflict after Curtis Reeves reported Oulson to management.

Vivian Reeves says at some point, Oulson stood up, and it seemed like his upper body was leaning toward her husband.

“I thought he was coming over, and it just freaked me out. I was terrified,” she said.

The prosecutor pointed out during cross examination that Reeves initiated each contact with Oulson.

He also asked Vivian Reeves if she ever saw Oulson make physical contact with her husband.

“Did you ever hear a slap or hit? Did you hear skin on skin? Something loud, like someone had been punched?” she was asked.

“No, sir,” she replied.

“Did you see him throw a phone?”

“No, sir.”

“Did you see him throw anything?”

“No. I wish I had. I just couldn’t handle it.”

Jurors also heard Monday from an expert on aging.

Curtis Reeves was 71 years old at the time of the shooting, so age has come up a number of times.

The expert didn’t testify to Reeves’ condition specifically, but about how aging can make people in general vulnerable.

Last week, the defense tried to poke holes in law enforcement’s investigation into the shooting of Oulson. Reeves’ daughter also took the stand.

Spectrum Bay News 9 reporter Sarah Blazonis is in the courtroom. You can follow her on Twitter or by using the Live Updates feed below.