Christmas Cards Brighten Up Young Cancer Patient’s Day


ODESSA, Fla. — For children battling cancer, small gestures of happiness during the holidays can mean the world.

What You Need To Know

  • David Castle, 8, is currently battling cancer

  • He and his mom are traveling to Cincinnati frequently through the holiday season

  • Facebook group set up to send him Christmas cards

You should never underestimate the joy you can spread by sending a holiday card, especially if the person you’re sending them to is sick or feeling a little down.

That’s exactly what friends and family all across the country are trying to do for a little boy named David.

David Castle is a brave 8 year old little boy from Odessa.

He and his mom, Tammy Miller, are traveling to Cincinnati on and off throughout the holiday season.

“I play XBOX, play in the snow and watch TikTok,” said David.

He does typical things that boys like to do, except he’s here for a very specific reason.

David has cancer and is in a trail. He was diagnosed a year ago.

“Stage 4 Wilms kidney cancer, unfavorable, anaplastic diffuse, the worst of the worst, had his right kidney removed,” said his mom.

Doctors soon found out it spread to his lungs. He had 12 rounds of radiation and 46 weeks of chemo. By October they thought all was well, but they found more.

“I would trade my life in a second for my child because he’s just a happy little boy who deserves to live and I’m scared to death that I’m going to lose him,” Miller said.

More people are learning David’s story every day and want to do something.

The Facebook page A NEW Life for David is asking followers to send Christmas cards to David to brighten his day.

When you ask David how they makes him feel, the answer is simple, sincere and comes with a great smile. 

“Good and happy,” he said.

For his Mom, the outreach is a gift. 

“If he can’t be healthy, I want him to do be happy,” she said.

By late January they should know if the treatments are working.

If you’d like to send David a card you can find his address on the A NEW life for David Facebook page.