A+ Teacher: Double The Love For Teaching And Children


TRINITY, Fla. — After a tough spring for students and teachers, summer vacation had a much welcomed arrival. 

But not for school principals. 

This week’s A+ Teacher Cheril Fevriette has a love for teaching and children so strong she works around the clock as a teacher and a principal. 

Fevriette has spent the summer hard at work at Genesis Prep School in Trinity, advising families about the school’s fall plans, stocking up on PPE and interviewing prospective teachers and students for the school return. 

“My motivation is the students, and that smile on their face. How good they feel, when they get that Aha moment! When they get that problem solved,”  Fevriette said.

In addition to her duties as school leader,  Fevriette also teaches math at the school. 

“I just love math and I always wanted to be able to show students how to do math,” she said. “How to love math, because when you look at all the stduies and so on, students don’t really like math, so I always try to see how I can convey that love to them in the classroom.” 

That love was tested as the school year ended with the pandemic. 

Fevriette continued teaching her students individually with dozens of virtual lessons and one-on-one tutoring. 

“Math is special. Students need you sometimes to really explain that particular way to do it,” she said. “It was more time consuming, but what brings me joy, it was more effective.”

Graduating 8th grader Sana Hasan was one of those students.

“She just does what’s best for us, and when they graduate high school, you can see how far they go because of her,” Hasana said.

The end result?

Fevriette’s math students improved their grades, making the school’s drive-thru 8th grade graduation even sweeter.