Janet Blydenburgh and her group feed the homeless in Moon Lake


PASCO COUNTY, Fla. — A Pasco County woman has a special heart for the homeless and other people in need in her community. Janet Blydenburgh makes sure they have a great Sunday meal once a month.

What You Need To Know

  • Janet Blydenburgh leads Community Relief of West Pasco

  • The group provides a hot meal to homeless and people in need one Sunday a month

  • The meal is served in the parking lot of the Volunteer Way Moon Lake Mission

  • Bledenburgh says Community Relief of West Pasco could use more donations and volunteers

Blydenburgh leads a group of volunteers who serve a hot meal to about 60 people in the parking lot of the Volunteer Way Moon Lake Mission. The Moon Lake Mission provides lunches Monday through Friday inside its facility. Blydenburgh and her Community Relief of West Pasco wanted to do something to help feed people on the weekends.

Blydenburgh said she got started with the Sunday meal about seven years ago when VFW 6180 asked her if she could do something good in the community with some extra food. The VFW has been helping her with fundraising since then.

On a recent Sunday, Blydenburgh and her volunteers were serving a meal featuring hot dogs. “I’m always the one that does the meats. Cooked on the grill yesterday by myself,” she said.

The hot dogs could be topped with all the usual fixings. “They are going to be able to have a hotdog with katsup, relish, mustard, and onions. Or a chili cheese dog or a sauerkraut dog,” she said.

Blydenburgh said her volunteers bring side dishes and deserts to the meal. She always offers a prayer before people eat. “I’m a Moonlaker. I live out here,” she said. “This is my neighborhood. This is my family. I am an ordained chaplain and I come out here to minister to my people. This is my church out here. I care for them. I pray for them.”

Some of the people who attend the Sunday dinner are homeless and live in nearby wooded areas. Blydenburgh offers them small bags filled with personal care items like shampoo and toothpaste.

The caring way guests are treated doesn’t go unnoticed.

“It’s a God thing,” said Theresa Squires. “It’s wonderful. I love it. And I like to come and see everybody too.”

Blydenburgh said Community Relief of West Pasco could always use more volunteers and donations. She is also hoping other groups will come forward to provide meals on the other Sundays each month.