Community Roots for Beloved Pasco Teacher Struggling to Beat COVID-19


PASCO COUNTY, Fla. — A Pasco County teacher is fighting for her life in the hospital after contracting COVID-19.

What You Need To Know

  • Renee Dermott fighting for her life due to COVID-19

  • Friends, family have stepped in to help her pull through

  • A fellow teacher coordinated a fundraiser on her behalf

On Thursday morning, Renee Dermott posted a picture on social media of herself in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines with a heartbreaking message.

In the post she said she’s been given two options. Either she can go on ventilator that has an 88% death rate. But if she doesn’t get on the ventilator, she will be considered a DNR, which means “do not resuscitate.”

Dermott went on to say she wants to see her daughter dance and sing again.

She ended the post telling people not to put off their dreams.

The touching words inspired Dermott’s friend and fellow teacher Tanya Murphy to start a fundraiser for her as a show of support from the entire community.

“There’s no words to really explain how those immediate moments when you see somebody you know in that situation, so close to such horrible circumstances, how it just immediately makes you feel, and for me it made me jump into action,” Murphy said.

The fundraiser was something Murphy said was the least she could do. Murphy and Dermott both teach at Seven Springs Middle School in Pasco County. The past school year, Dermott taught Murphy’s son.

“All the kids adore her,” Murphy said. “She’s lots of fun. She’s high energy. She’s kind of got that goofy thing going on that kids can relate to.”

Murphy said the community came together so quickly and reached their initial goal. And while raising the money for Dermott’s family is good, Murphy said there’s a deeper meaning and a lesson everyone can learn from this.

“The entire community, I mean everybody, is rooting for her,” she said. “And it’s not just her that we’re all rooting for — every patient that’s going through this, young or old, whoever you are, there are people that are praying for you, that are sending positive thoughts.”

Dermott’s daughter wants people to send her mother prayers, positive thoughts or anything to let her know someone out there cares. She said it could be what helps her pull through.​