The US could have almost 148,000 coronavirus deaths by July 25, according to new forecast

2 min ago

Myrtle Beach approves face mask mandate through Labor Day 

From CNN’s Tina Burnside

A sign pictured in Myrtle Beach, S.C. on June 18 advises people to maintain social distancing.
A sign pictured in Myrtle Beach, S.C. on June 18 advises people to maintain social distancing. Jeffrey Collins/AP

The Myrtle Beach City Council in South Carolina unanimously voted to enact a face mask ordinance ahead of the Fourth of July weekend as the number of coronavirus cases continues to climb. 

Myrtle Beach city manager John Pedersen issued the executive order on Thursday, which requires residents and visitors to wear a cloth face mask at retail and food service establishments as well as in public spaces. 

Failure to wear a mask when required is a civil infraction with a fine of up to $100 upon conviction. The mask requirement is effective through Labor Day. 

The city joins other parts of the country that have enacted similar measures in an effort to curb Covid-19’s spread.

Read more about the latest states requiring people to wear masks when out in public:

These are the states requiring people to wear masks when out in public

12 min ago

It’s 8 a.m. in New York and 1 p.m. in London. Here’s the latest on the pandemic.

Members of medical staff treat a patient in the Covid-19 intensive care unit at the United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, Texas, on July 2.
Members of medical staff treat a patient in the Covid-19 intensive care unit at the United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, Texas, on July 2. Go Nakamura/Getty Images

There have been more than 10.8 million confirmed cases of coronavirus globally, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University. Of these cases, more than 2.7 million are in the US, which saw more than 52,000 new Covid-19 cases Thursday, the highest daily jump in cases for the second day in the row.

A forecast by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has warned that nearly 148,000 people could die from coronavirus in the country by July 25. The US has reported more than 128,000 Covid-related deaths so far. 

Here’s the latest on the pandemic:

  • Trump set for another massive event during national pandemic: President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump head to Mount Rushmore National Memorial on Friday to celebrate an early Fourth of July at a gathering of an estimated 7,500 people. No social distancing is planned for the event — despite the record-high new coronavirus cases in the United States. 
  • UK PM expresses “bitter regret” over deaths in care homes: Boris Johnson has said that he “bitterly” regrets the number of coronavirus-related deaths seen in care homes, telling radio station LBC that there were “far too many” lives lost. On Thursday, the UK’s Office for National Statistics said that almost 20,000 care home resident deaths in England and Wales, recorded from the start of the pandemic until mid-June, involved Covid-19.
  • New version of coronavirus spreads faster — but doesn’t make people sicker, study confirms: A global study has found strong evidence that a mutated new form of the coronavirus has spread from Europe to the US. The mutation makes the virus more likely to infect people, but does not seem to make them any sicker than earlier variations, an international team of researchers reported Thursday.
  • EU launches legal action against member states over passenger refunds: The European Commission has launched infringement proceedings against 10 European Union member states for failing to protect the rights of passengers when journeys have had to be cancelled as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. 
23 min ago

Trump set for another massive event during national pandemic

From CNN’s Betsy Klein

The busts of US Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln tower over the Black Hills at Mount Rushmore National Monument on July 2, near Keystone, South Dakota, ahead of President Donald Trump's visit on Friday.
The busts of US Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln tower over the Black Hills at Mount Rushmore National Monument on July 2, near Keystone, South Dakota, ahead of President Donald Trump’s visit on Friday. Scott Olson/Getty Images

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump head to Mount Rushmore National Memorial on Friday to celebrate an early Fourth of July at a gathering of an estimated 7,500 people during a global pandemic.

No social distancing is planned for the event despite the record-high new coronavirus cases in the United States. And the event takes place amid environmental concerns over the use of fireworks in the dry land and as the country engages in a reckoning over its own monuments and racist history.

“We told those folks that have concerns that they can stay home, but those who want to come and join us, we’ll be giving out free face masks if they choose to wear one. But we won’t be social distancing,” Republican Gov. Kristi Noem said during a Monday appearance on Fox News.

There may be health screening for ticketed guests in one area, according to A recording on the park’s main telephone line Monday said: “There are no social distancing requirements in place at this time.”

The 7,500 tickets for Friday’s event are lower than the typical visitor flow during the busy summer season. On normal days, 28,000 to 32,000 visitors come to Mount Rushmore during a 10-hour period. Amid the pandemic, the park never closed but visitation has been down to around 20,000 people, said Maureen McGee-Ballinger, Mount Rushmore’s chief of interpretation and education.

Coronavirus cases in South Dakota currently remain stable, according to data from Johns Hopkins University, with 6,893 confirmed cases and 97 deaths as of Thursday — but it remains to be seen how many attendees will travel from other states. Thirty-six states are currently experiencing a rise in new cases.

Read the full story here.

23 min ago

Brazil, one of the worst-hit countries, has yet to hit its pandemic peak

From CNN’s Shasta Darlington in Sao Paolo, Brazil

Despite having nearly 1.5 million Covid-19 cases, experts say Brazil has yet to see the worst of the pandemic. However, the country’s second-largest city Rio de Janeiro has started to allow bars, restaurants and gyms to reopen.


3 min ago

Secret Service agents assigned to Pence’s detail tested positive for coronavirus ahead of his Arizona trip

From CNN’s Kate Bennett and Nikki Carvajal

Vice President Mike Pence waves as he arrives in Phoenix to meet with Arizona Republican Gov. Doug Ducey to discuss the surge in coronavirus cases on Wednesday, July 1.
Vice President Mike Pence waves as he arrives in Phoenix to meet with Arizona Republican Gov. Doug Ducey to discuss the surge in coronavirus cases on Wednesday, July 1. Ross D. Franklin/AP

Eight Secret Service agents assigned to Vice President Mike Pence’s detail ahead of his trip to Arizona tested positive for the coronavirus right before Pence was scheduled to travel there, a law enforcement source told CNN.

The positive tests forced a one-day delay in the trip so the Secret Service could swap in healthy agents, The Washington Post reported. Pence was scheduled to go to Arizona on Tuesday, but delayed the trip until Wednesday.

Ahead of Pence’s trip, the state was reporting record highs for both new daily cases and deaths since the state started posting data publicly in mid-March.

Secret Service Director of Communications Catherine Milhoan told CNN in a statement, “The health and safety of our workforce, their families, and that of our protectees remains the agency’s highest priority.” She said, ” The agency continues to operate in compliance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations through the U.S. Secret Service Office of Safety, Health and Environmental Programs.”

Pence’s trip originally included several more public stops, but the trip was scaled back, amid the recent spike of Covid cases in Arizona.

Read the full story here.

1 hr 21 min ago

As it works to contain coronavirus, Singapore is on track to face its worst dengue outbreak in history

From CNN’s Nectar Gan

Workers spray pesticide outside the Esplanade arts center in Singapore, as part of the fight against dengue fever, on May 20.
Workers spray pesticide outside the Esplanade arts center in Singapore, as part of the fight against dengue fever, on May 20. Chih Wey/Xinhua/Getty

Singapore has just begun to get its second wave of coronavirus under control. Now, it’s on track to face its worst-ever outbreak of another viral infection: dengue.

More than 14,000 dengue cases have been reported in the city-state since the start of the year, according to the National Environment Agency (NEA). The total number for the whole year is expected to exceed the 22,170 cases reported in 2013 — the largest dengue outbreak in Singapore’s history, the agency said.

What is dengue? Dengue is a viral infection transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, the same insect responsible for spreading Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever. It is commonly found in hot, wet regions of the tropics and subtropics during the rainy months.

Only about 25% of those infected show symptoms, which include high fever, severe headaches, muscle and joint pains. Extreme cases can bring bleeding, breathing difficulties, organ failure, and potentially death.

Why is it so bad this year? Dengue cases have grown dramatically worldwide, increasing 30-fold in the past 50 years. There are an estimated 100-400 million infections each year, and about half of the world’s population is now at risk, according to the World Health Organization.

Scientists say hotter, wetter weather brought on by climate change has created ideal conditions for female mosquitoes to lay their eggs. Not only are there more mosquitoes, but the rapid urbanization occurring in many Asian nations means that susceptible populations are living in closer contact with disease-carrying insects.

Have lockdown measures made it worse? Another potential factor that worsened the dengue outbreak this year could be the lockdown measures imposed for coronavirus, according to Luo Dahai, associate professor of Infection and Immunity at Nanyang Technological University.

In April, a second wave of infections broke out in Singapore among migrant workers living in packed dormitories, sending daily new infections from below 100 to above 1000 at its peak.

To contain its spread, the government issued a stay-at-home order and closed down non-essential workplaces and schools. These restrictive measures, known as the “circuit breaker,” lasted from April 7 to June 1.

“When more people stay at home all the days, there could be more residential mosquito breeding and more opportunities for ‘blood meals’,” Luo said.

Read the full story here.

13 min ago

UK PM expresses “bitter regret” over coronavirus deaths in care homes

From CNN’s Sharon Braithwaite and Amy Woodyatt in London

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is pictured leaving 10 Downing Street in London on July 1.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is pictured leaving 10 Downing Street in London on July 1. Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said that he “bitterly” regrets the number of coronavirus-related deaths seen in care homes, telling British radio station LBC that there were “far too many” lives lost. 

“What happened was absolutely tragic, there’s no question… we saw far too many lives lost in care homes and we mourn for everyone,” Johnson said Friday.

“I bitterly, bitterly regret every loss of life that we’ve had,” he added.

Addressing questions over why so many deaths were registered in care homes across the UK, the Prime Minister said he believes several factors must be considered. 

The UK government’s handling of coronavirus in care homes has been widely criticized.

According to the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), 19,394 care home resident deaths in England and Wales from the start of the pandemic until mid-June — or 29.3% of all care home resident deaths — involved Covid-19.

From March 2, of all hospital deaths in England and Wales involving Covid-19, 15.5% could be accounted for by care home residents, ONS said.

“I think a lot of different things came together…the governance of care homes, getting the messages across, making sure people understood what they had to do to protect against the disease,” Johnson said on Friday. 

“I think we’ll have to look back at the whole issue of what happened in care homes in great, great detail,” he added. 

2 hr 9 min ago

EU launches legal action against 10 member states over passenger refunds during coronavirus crisis

From CNN’s James Frater in Brussels

The European Commission has launched infringement proceedings against 10 European Union member states for failing to protect the rights of passengers when journeys have had to be cancelled as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. 

National legislation in place in Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, France, Italy, Croatia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and Slovakia violates EU rules on travel, the Commission said Friday. 

Further action has also been launched against Greece and Italy for failing to protect bus, rail and ferry passengers. 

Under EU law, passengers have “the right to choose between reimbursement in money and other forms of refund, such as a voucher” if a flight has been cancelled and are expected to be reimbursed within two weeks. 

In the 10 aforementioned countries, the Commission says authorities are only allowing travel operators to “issue vouchers, instead of reimbursement in money,” or taking longer than 14 days to refund passengers. 

The Commission says throughout the crisis it has “consistently made clear that consumer rights remain valid in the current unprecedented context and national measures to support the industry must not lower them.”

The 10 countries now have two months to reply and prove to the Commission they have rectified these issues.

2 hr 52 min ago

Puerto Rico will require Covid-19 test results from visitors

From CNN’s Mallika Kallingal

Puerto Rico will have some stringent new rules for people traveling to the island amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Gov. Wanda Vázquez Garced said she will sign an executive order that, among other things, will require visitors to provide a negative Covid-19 test result produced within 72 hours of arrival.

“I want Puerto Ricans living in the US mainland to safely come to our island and visit their family members without fear of spreading this virus or infecting a love one,” Vázquez said in a statement. “I want tourists and everyone visiting Puerto Rico to feel safe.”

Under the executive order, visitors would also need to wear face coverings and observe proper social distancing measures at three airports.

If a visitor is unable to bring a negative test result, they will be required to go through the screening process and further tests at the airport and follow quarantine procedures.

The governor said the order will go into effect on July 15.

Read more here:

Puerto Rico will require Covid-19 test results from visitors