2020 general election breaks records as votes continue to pour in


Votes continue to pour in before the winner of the 2020 presidential election can be confirmed with a number of states too close to call at this time.

But even with the unknown presidential outcome, several records have already been broken.

Popular vote

Democratic candidate Joe Biden has already surpassed President Obama’s popular vote count threshold. He secured nearly 73 million votes so far. Biden has now received more votes than any presidential candidate in the country’s history.

Though Donald Trump is not far behind, he outstripped his 2016 ballot count by garnering nearly 7 million more votes.

Biden has also surpassed Hillary Clinton, who won the popular vote in 2016, by 7 million votes, which proves the next record broken during this presidential race.


Total Voter Turnout Percentage

The country is on track to break the voter turnout record, not seen since 1908 when President William Howard Taft beat his challenger, Democrat William Jennings Bryan, according to tracking by the Washington Post.

So far over 142 million Americans turned out to vote in the 2020 presidential election, which equates to nearly 61% of the eligible American voters. In 1908, there was about 65.7%  eligible voter turnout. Although in sheer numbers, 2020 has outstripped every year to date on the number of ballots cast.

Estimates show voter turnout could be as high as 66.3%.

Missouri’s 1st Black Congresswoman

Missouri elected their first Black congresswoman, Democrat Cori Bush.

She will represent Missouri’s first congressional district which includes Ferguson, which caught national attention after the shooting of Michael Brown.

Brown was 18 years old when was shot and killed by a police officer on Aug. 9, 2014, and his death was part of the impetus for the Black Lives Matter movement.

Wyoming’s 1st female senator

Republican Cynthia Lummis became Wyoming’s first female senator after she won her seat with more than 70% of the state’s vote.


Republican women elected

Female GOP candidates broke a record for the Republican Party with more than a dozen female non-incumbent candidates elected to the U.S. House of Representatives so far.

“It’s an exciting moment not just for South Carolina, I’m the first Republican women ever elected to Congress from South Carolina, and so to see Republican women, we almost doubled our number this year in the House with this election,” South Carolina’s elect Nancy Mace told Fox and Friends. “It’s just exciting to be part of history.”

Openly gay Black men elected to Congress

Democrats Mondaire Jones and Ritchie Torres became the first openly gay black men elected to congress.

The congressmen-elect are from the state of New York and will take seats in the House come January.

Trans state senator

Democratic Sarah McBride became the first transwoman elected to a state senate in the United States.

McBride is an activist from the state of Delaware. She won her seat with 73% of the vote, defeating challenger Steve Washington.